Special Projects

What is a "SIGSOFT Special Project"?

That's a good question!

We have a newly appointed SIGSOFT Special Projects Liaison (Will Tracz) and a reasonably significant pile of money (i.e., budget) that we can allocate to projects that benefit SIGSOFT members, future SIGSOFT members or members of the Software Engineering community... and we need help to figure out how to spend it.

We wish we could be more specific, but we can't at this point in time because we are still working out the details on whether this is a grant or compensation for materials or recognition with conference registrations (and/or) travel, or even a gift certificate at Amazon (consistent with ACM Policies and Procedures).

These can be small projects (e.g., funding a pizza party for SE students to do X, or buy some tools to build some SIGSOFT-specific apps) or large projects like a programming competition.

Please give this offer some thought and tell us what you think is a good idea (with a timeline and budget and justification of the impact of your project - if you plan on doing it - but if you plan on someone else doing it, then just describe the project).

BTW, we hope to have some sort of bling to send to you just for sending us your idea.

Send your project ideas to Projects_SIGSOFT (at) acm (dot) org. Thank you!

Will Tracz, PhD
Finance chair ACM SIGSOFT ESEC/FSE 2018
ACM SIGSOFT Special Projects Coordinator
ACM SIG Governance Board Viability Advisor
ACM Professional Development Committee Webinar Coordinator