
The ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering provides a forum for computing professionals from industry, government and academia to examine principles, practices, and new research results in software engineering.

SIGSOFT Support for Ukrainians and others displaced by the war in Ukraine

ACM SIGSOFT provides a free virtual registration to the ICSE conference for researchers, students, and practitioners displaced by the war in Ukraine. Please complete your information through this online form to receive a registration code.

Award Winners for 2022

We would like to heartily congratulate the winners of the various ACM SIGSOFT awards for 2022:

  • Outstanding Research Award: Lionel Briand (University of Ottawa and University of Luxembourg) “for contributions in software testing, software quality assurance, and context-driven software engineering research, notably in exemplary collaborations with industry”.
  • Distinguished Service Award: Joanne M. Atlee (University of Waterloo) “for sustained, outstanding service to the software engineering community and enabling a research environment in software engineering world-wide that is equitable, diverse and inclusive.”
  • Influential Educator Award: Miryung Kim (University of California, Los Angeles)” for outstanding achievements in undergraduate and graduate mentoring with emphasis on research excellence in software engineering, diversity and inclusion.”
  • Impact Paper Award: Using task context to improve programmer productivity by Mik Kirsten and Gail Murphy (published at FSE 2006) “for pioneering the concept of a task context, which has improved software practice and inspired new research.”
  • Early Career Researcher Award. Xin Xia (Huawei) “for contributions to AI and SE, mining software repositories, and empirical software engineering.”
  • Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award. Wing Lam (now George Mason University) for the PhD thesis “Detecting, Characterizing, and Taming Flaky Tests” (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, advised by Darko Marinov and Tao Xie).

Introducing the ACM SIGSOFT Blog

We are excited to launch this blog, as a way to enhance the communication between the SIGSOFT EC and the software engineering community, create a sense of community within SIGSOFT, and publicise software engineering and SIGSOFT activities to the outside world.

ACM and SIGSOFT Stand with Those Who Promote Inclusivity

In the United States, and throughout many regions around the world, current events have brought attention to the urgent need for equality and respect for all individuals. ACM reaffirms its commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion within the global computer science community.

As an international organization of nearly 100,000 professionals, ACM respects the essential worth of all people and firmly believes that diversity strengthens the scientific enterprise and society as a whole. ACM’s Code of Professional Ethics embodies these principles, and our Diversity and Inclusion Council works to translate them into effective action.

ACM is committed to creating an environment that welcomes new ideas and perspectives, and where hostility or other harmful behaviors are not tolerated. As an organization, we stand with those who promote inclusivity.

CAPS Support for Virtual ESEC/FSE'21

ACM SIGSOFT provides registration support for students and researchers to attend the virtual ESEC/FSE'21. If you are interested, please submit your complete application online before the deadline shown on the application form. Email the CAPS Coordinator (sigsoft_caps (at) acm (dot) org) if you have any questions.

Call for SEWORLD Moderators

SIGSOFT is seeking researchers willing to act as moderators of the SEWORLD mailing list that serves the Software Engineering community by disseminating important information about conferences, workshops, events, and job postings. Submit your candidacy by February 14, 2021 via the online form.

Research Highlights

SIGSOFT's Research Highlights initiative is selecting papers from its sponsored conferences that show recent, significant, and exciting results that are also of general interest to the computer science research community.

Improving Paper and Peer Review Quality Initiative

SIGSOFT has a new initiative to improve the quality of research papers and peer reviews. Read about it and contact the co-chairs to participate.

2021 Award Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 SIGSOFT Awards:

  • Outstanding Research Award: Prem Devanbu
  • Distinguished Service Award: Tao Xie
  • Influential Educator Award: Katsuro Inoue
  • Early Career Researcher Award: Lingming Zhang
  • Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award: August Shi
  • Impact Paper Award: Matthew Dwyer, George Avrunin, James Corbett
  • Frank Anger Memorial Award: Sumaya Almanee

SIGSOFT Initiatives

We're looking for volunteers to drive initiatives to help improve the software engineering research community. The initiatives includes Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging; Open Science; Data-driven Introspection; Conference Operations; Paper and Review Quality; and many more. We want to provide you with a platform for topics that you are passionate about. For more information and to sign up for the initiatives, please visit our initiatives page.

SIGSOFT Special Projects

Have an idea for a special project? Pitch it to our Special Projects Liaison, Will Tracz.

Present a Webinar

Find out how you can present a webinar.

Policy on Reproducibility

Please review ACM's policy on research artifact review and badging. The policy aims to promote the integrity of the research ecosystem by increasing the likelihood that results can be independently replicated and reproduced.

Computer Science Resources for Women

Here are some computer science resources for women, both those interested in degrees and those of pre-college age.


Please join us for the upcoming SIGSOFT and ACM webinars. They include traceability, probabilistic programming and teaching future software developers.

Open Table of Contents (TOC) Resources

Here is the Open TOC, a list of open access conference proceedings.

Upcoming ESEC/FSE and ICSE Conferences

Plan to participate in these conferences. ESEC/FSE is the Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. ICSE is the International Conference on Software Engineering.


ESEC/FSE 2020 will be held 8 - 13 November, 2020 in Sacramento, California.

ICSE 2021

ICSE 2021 will be held 23 - 29 May, 2021 in Madrid, Spain.

SIGSOFT on social media:   Facebook logo   Twitter logo   LinkedIn logo


Subscribe to the SIGSOFT-ANNOUNCE mailing list for news and announcements of awards, elections, membership surveys and more.


Software Engineering Notes (SEN) is SIGSOFT's newsletter with letters, columns, reports, conference proceedings and reviews.

Articles, reports, reviews, columns, announcements and book reviews for publication in SEN should be submitted via our SEN management site.

Mission Statement

The ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering seeks to improve our ability to engineer software by stimulating interaction among practitioners, researchers, and educators; by fostering the professional development of software engineers; and by representing software engineers to professional, legal, and political entities.


As a Special Interest Group within ACM, SIGSOFT operates under a set of Bylaws that govern our charter, officers, Executive Committee, conferences, membership and other topics.

ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

ACM has updated its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Please review the new code.

ACM Publication Policy

Please see this presentation on ACM's new publication policy.