SEWORLD Mailing List
SEWORLD Guidelines Contributors are encouraged to consider these guidelines regarding submissions. They are meant both to help focus the list and to ease the duties of the moderator. They are in no way meant to discourage contribution.
Although all submissions are welcome, postings ordinarily fall into two categories: announcements for professional events such as conferences and symposia, and position announcements. Consequently, there are additional guidelines for events and position announcements. They are meant only to provide general criteria for evaluation, are historically typical of postings, and are in no way meant to discourage contribution.
SEWORLD is sponsored by SIGSOFT and the Association for Computing Machinery.
Format Guidelines
- Submissions not in plain text with either an ASCII encoding or an ISO-8859-x encoding will be returned.
- Submissions that contain forward or response characters (such as a greater-than symbol preceding each line) will be returned if they are convoluted, at the discretion of the moderator. Such characters will not be removed prior to posting.
- Submissions that contain multipart MIME encoding will be returned if they are convoluted, at the discretion of the moderator. All MIME headers and trailers will be removed prior to posting.
- Submissions that contain non-text MIME encoding (such as attached graphics or application data) will be returned.
- Submissions that include extensive markup information (such as HTML) will be returned. Limited markup information may be overlooked, at the discretion of the moderator.
- Submissions that are not written in English will be returned, due to the international (and primarily English-speaking) audience of the list. Submissions that are written in other languages are welcome if the overall content is summarized by an English introduction, at the discretion of the moderator.
- Submissions should include as few extended characters as possible, since many email readers do not properly interpret such characters. If extended characters are present in a submission, please understand that they may be translated incorrectly during the posting process. In any case, emails containing incorrectly translated characters cannot be reposted.
- Submissions should be appropriately formatted with respect to content, mindful of the fact that many email readers support only fixed-width characters in eighty columns. In extreme cases, poorly formatted submissions will be returned.
Content Guidelines
- Submissions should include an appropriate and descriptive subject. For example, a subject of “Call for Papers” is less desirable than one that also includes the conference name.
- Submissions not relevant to the field of software engineering will be returned. Because such a wide variety of topics can be indirectly related to software engineering, this is a somewhat ambiguous requirement. However, if a submission has a clear focus in another well-established field (such as parallel processing or database systems), a brief explanation should be included as to how the submission relates to software engineering. (Such an explanation will be removed prior to posting.) Please consider that those interested in other fields will likely have subscribed to the relevant mailing lists.
- Submissions that advertise commercial or other for-profit ventures will be returned. The interpretation of “commercial or other for-profit ventures” is left to the discretion of the moderator.
- Submissions that solicit information from subscribers will be returned. The interpretation of “solicit information from subscribers” is left to the discretion of the moderator, but normally includes surveys and requests for discussion group participation.
- Submissions that advertise web sites (personal or otherwise) with no corresponding activity or event will be returned.
- Submissions that advertise tools, utilities, software systems, or other such products will be returned.
- Submissions that duplicate or modify previous postings (e.g., announcing a deadline extension, fixing typos or errors in the original posting) will be returned. Interested parties are expected to be aware of updates through means described in the original submission (such as a URL).
- Submissions should include contact information for further inquiries.
- Submissions should prominently note important dates and deadline information.
- Submissions that include an important acronym (such as the title of a conference) should also include the expansion of the acronym.
- Submissions detailing a journal call will be returned unless the call is for a special issue or the first issue of a new journal. In both cases, the call should include a submission deadline.
- Submissions that advertise research projects will be returned.
Professional Events
- Only one submission detailing a call for papers may be posted for each professional event. A “call for papers” in this sense usually refers to an initial announcement, describing the focus of the event, requesting contributions, and enumerating dates and deadline information. This call should also detail other calls (e.g., industrial track, emerging results track, education track, demos, posters, workshop proposals, tutorials).
- Only one submission may posted for all calls for papers of the workshops organized within a professional event; this submission should be posted once the list of approved workshops is finalized.
- Only one submission may be posted for all student-related events (e.g., doctoral symposium, student research competition, call for student volunteers) organized within a professional event. If the only student-related sub-event is a doctoral symposium, its call should be announced in the call for papers of the main event.
- Only one submission detailing a call for participation may be posted for each professional event. A “call for participation” in this sense usually refers to a supplementary announcement, describing accepted papers, workshops and other program details, providing registration instructions, and enumerating further dates and deadline information. Submissions claimed to be “call for participation” and sent after the submission of a “call for papers” but before the deadline for submitting papers to the event, will be returned.
- Calls for participation of individual workshops are not allowed.
- Submissions that advertise a professional event should include the URL for the event web site, if available. Those interested in the professional event are presumed to be kept aware of updates via this URL.
- Submissions aggregating calls for multiple events will be returned. Submissions detailing calls for federated events may be posted at the discretion of the moderator.
Position Announcements
- Position announcements should only advertise openings for those with software engineering credentials. Openings for those with computer science credentials may be posted at the discretion of the moderator.
- Position announcements should only advertise openings at academic or research institutions, so long as the institution is non profit (i.e., openings at industrial research labs will not be posted).
- Position announcements should only advertise openings where at least a doctoral degree is required. This also means that mixed announcements offering positions with requirements lower than a PhD and positions for PhDs and beyond will not be posted.