SEWORLD Mailing List
SEWORLD is a mailing list provided as a service to the Software Engineering community, and is intended primarily for the dissemination of time-sensitive information relevant to the field of software engineering research.
If you’re not a member, please consider joining SIGSOFT: if you attend even one conference such as ICSE you get the benefit of the member rate.
Please note that the use of SEWORLD is reserved for non-commercial purposes only.
ACM SIGSOFT assumes no responsibility for the appropriateness or accuracy of the contents of the postings on SEWORLD, nor for the loss of any content sent to the mailing list.
Subscription to SEWORLD is intended solely for individuals, and not for the purpose of reposting and/or redistributing messages to other public mailing lists, forums, and the like without explicit permission from the SEWORLD administrator. Those submitting to SEWORLD are, of course, free to submit their original messages through any additional channel of their choosing.
SEWORLD is sponsored by SIGSOFT and the Association for Computing Machinery.
Subscribing and Unsubscribing
There are two ways to subscribe to SEWORLD, via email or through the web interface.
Using the Email Interface
To subscribe via email, send a message to with one of the following commands as the body:
subscribe SEWORLD "Your Name"
(don’t include the quotation marks): this will subscribe you and make your name known to the list (your email address will not be published or distributed)subscribe SEWORLD Anonymous
: this will subscribe you anonymously
Giving your full name is optional. The list management software will automatically subscribe the email address in the “Sender” field of your email. This may cause problems with email systems that perform alias expansion or substitution. If you want more control over which of your email addresses is subscribed, use the web interface.
To unsubscribe via email, send a message to with the following text as the body:
unsubscribe SEWORLD
The email address in the “Sender” field of your email will be unsubscribed. If unsubscribing by email fails, please try to unsubscribe using the web interface.
Using the Web Interface
In order to use the web interface, you must have an ACM LISTSERV account. If you already have an account, skip to step three below.
To subscribe using the web interface, follow these steps:
- Go to the registration page and choose an email address and password for your account.
- LISTSERV will send confirmation to the email address you entered. This email contains a link to confirm your subscription. Click on it, it should lead you to the confirmation page of LISTSERV.
- Go to SEWORLD mailing list page. Use the Log In link under the Options heading.
- Click the link that says “Join or Leave SEWORLD.”
- On the next page, select your subscription options.
- After you have selected your options, you will receive a confirmation email that contains instructions for confirming your subscription.
To unsubscribe via the web interface, go to the subscriber’s corner, log in, and select the lists from which you would like to be unsubscribed.
Changing Your Subscribed Address
If you are already a subscriber and would like to change the email address of your subscription, first follow the instructions above for subscribing to the mailing list with your new email address, and then follow the instructions above for unsubscribing your old email address.
More Help
If you have questions or comments regarding your subscription, please send an email to
We respect the privacy of our subscribers. All email addresses are registered privately to the list; they are neither published nor otherwise distributed.
To contribute to SEWORLD, send an email containing your posting to
Only list subscribers may post to SEWORLD.
Contributors are encouraged to consider these guidelines regarding submissions. They are meant both to help focus the list and to ease the duties of the moderator. They are in no way meant to discourage contribution.
All submissions are reviewed prior to posting. Please refer to Moderation of Contributions for information about the delay and possible modifications to your submission that you can expect.
If your submission is posted, you will not receive individual confirmation (other than by receiving your submission as a subscriber to the list, or by monitoring the archive).
If your submission is not posted, you will receive a response explaining why the moderator returned your submission. Spam will be rejected outright and will not be acknowledged.
Moderation of Contributions
In order to avoid spam, duplication, and other misuses, a moderator reviews all submissions prior to posting. Thus, submissions will not be posted to the list immediately. Because of the moderation process, it can be several days before an email goes out on the list. This is particularly true because there is a maximum number of emails that can go out on the list on any particular day.
Further, the moderator reserves the right to modify a submission without notice or permission in order to remove extraneous information not relevant to the content of the submission (such as apologies for multiple announcements) or to alter the subject field to better reflect the content of the submission (such as modifying “Call for Papers” to include a conference name).
Please note that the moderator is human and may make an occasional mistake. If you feel a returned submission should still be posted, polite arguments are welcome. If you feel a submission should not have been posted, please inform the moderator by sending an email to
All submissions are individually evaluated for posting, and every effort is made on the part of the moderator to exercise fair and impartial judgement.
You can browse or search past postings to the list.
Contact information
If you have problems using SEWORLD, or if you have questions or comments regarding the list, its postings, or its moderation, please send a message to
Please understand that SEWORLD cannot assume responsibility for responding to inquiries regarding the content of particular submissions. For questions regarding a particular submission, individuals are encouraged to use the contact information provided in the submission, or to contact the contributor of the submission.
We respect the privacy of our subscribers. All email addresses are registered privately to the list; they are neither published nor otherwise distributed. Consequently, we cannot honor requests for information pertaining to our subscribers.