
ACM SIGSOFT - SIGBED Frank Anger Award

In honor of our late colleague and friend, Dr. Frank Anger, the ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering has joined together with the ACM Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems to present the Frank Anger Memorial Award. Dr. Frank Anger, an outstanding national leader in the field of software engineering, died in a tragic automobile accident on July 8, 2004. One of Frank’s primary goals was supporting the crossover of ideas between research communities engaged in software.

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Distinguished Service Award

This annual award is presented to individuals who have contributed dedicated and important service to the software engineering community. The award typically goes to a single person but can also be assigned to multiple people for joint contributions. Recipients receive a plaque engraved with their name and signed by the chair of SIGSOFT and share a $1000 honorarium. The award is presented by the SIGSOFT chair at ICSE during ICSE’s award presentation session.

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Early Career Researcher Award

This award is presented to an individual or individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the area of software engineering as an early career investigator. To be eligible for nomination for the award, individuals’ most recent computer-related educational degree (baccalaureate, masters, or doctoral degree) must have been awarded no more than seven years prior to the date of nomination. The 7-year window may be extended for extenuating circumstances such as parental or medical leave.

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Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award

The SIGSOFT Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award is presented annually to the author of an outstanding doctoral dissertation in the area of Software Engineering. The author of the winning dissertation will be invited to publish a dissertation summary in the SIGSOFT newsletter, Software Engineering Notes (SEN). The award includes a $1000 honorarium and a plaque for the author, which is presented at the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), and funding support for the recipient to travel to ICSE to receive the award (including a registration to ICSE).

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ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award

The ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award is presented annually to the author(s) of a paper presented at a SIGSOFT-sponsored or co-sponsored conference held at least 11 years prior to the award year. For the November 4, 2024 deadline, papers published in 2014 or before are eligible. In including all of SIGSOFT’s conferences in the competition, this award recognizes the breadth and vitality of the software engineering community. The papers are judged by their influence since their publication.

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Influential Educator Award

Education is vital to the advancement of the research and practice of Software Engineering. Yet, the contributions of an educator often go unnoticed, except perhaps by those closest to the educator. The SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award is presented annually to an educator or educators who have made significant contributions to, and impact on, the field of software engineering with his or her accomplishments as a teacher, mentor, researcher (in education or learning), author, and/or policy maker.

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Outstanding Research Award

This award is presented to an individual or individuals who have made significant and lasting research contributions to the theory or practice of software engineering. The award recipients share a $1000 honorarium, and each recipient receives a plaque engraved with their name and signed by the chair of SIGSOFT. The award is announced by the SIGSOFT chair at ICSE during ICSE’s award presentation session. The award recipients are invited to give a keynote presentation at the ICSE conference in the year in which the award is made.

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